
Abstracts will be due April 1, 2025

Abstract acceptance notifications will be sent approximately May 1, 2024

All abstracts will be reviewed as part of the selection process.

Participation in this meeting is dependent upon acceptance of a relevant research abstract.  Abstracts accepted for platform and poster presentations will be selected by a committee of experts in the areas of dysmorphology, clinical genetics, molecular biology, cytogenetics, epidemiology, teratology and developmental biology.  Priority will be given to research of the highest caliber delineating mechanisms of normal and abnormal morphogenesis, those describing new patterns of malformations, and papers providing new insights into old problems.  

Please note: A disclosure agreement will be due at abstract submission. In the interest of complete disclosure of information, in the event that any platform or poster presentation includes a novel gene, treatment or finding, the presenter must provide a specific details and name – if a presenter is not prepared to fully disclose this information, it should not be included as an abstract nor presented at the meeting. 

The focus areas for the 46th David W. Smith Workshop are as follows:

  • •Orofacial malformations (clefts and dentition etc.)

    •Genitourinary malformations (DSDs etc.)

    •Cardiovascular malformations

    •Chromatin remodeling conditions (Coffin-Siris, Rubinstein-Taybi etc.)

    •Gastrulation and early embryogenesis (patterning, twinning, teratomas etc.)

    •Mechanisms of morphogenesi5

Although abstracts in the above focus areas will be given priority for presentation, abstracts which report research on any aspect of malformations and morphogenesis will be considered.

Please follow the style guidelines of the abstract format listed below, and adhere to the following specifications:

  • Page size: 8.5” x 11” (US Letter)

  • Number of pages: one (1)

  • Margins: Top – 1”; Bottom – 2”; Left – 1.25”; Right – 1”

  • Text Alignment: left

  • Typeface: Times New Roman

  • Type size: 12 point

  • Abstract Title: All caps and centered on page

  • Authors: underline the name of the presenting author

  • Institution:  italics

PLEASE NOTE – Abstracts that are submitted without correct formatting will be returned for correction and resubmission.  The abstract submission deadline will not be extended to accommodate resubmissions.
Sample Abstract

Abstract Template

DWS Abstract Submission Link 2025


Online registration will be available following abstract acceptance notification. 


Participation by Fellows/Genetics residents and post-doctoral trainees at this meeting is highly encouraged. Click here for the definition of a fellow/trainee for the purposes of this meeting.

Individuals who are Fellows/Genetics residents or post-doctoral trainees who intend to submit as a Fellow must indicate this at the time of abstract submission.  In addition, you must also identify a  faculty member  who will be attending the meeting and has agreed to serve as your mentor.  

We are currently seeking funding to provide support for travel and registration for some fellows, which will be awarded on a competitive basis as determined by abstract quality.